CN总裁Jean-Jacques Ruest 表示,此次收购目的是为了扩大产能和扩大供应链范围,尤其是冷藏产品。对Transx的收购增加了CN的货物冷藏运输服务,该服务已经服务于整个西部、中部大陆和美国海湾沿岸的23个码头。
TransX高级副总裁Keith Rirdon说,“中国大陆和Transx多年来一直是供应链合作伙伴。随着对Transx的收购,中国大陆将继续支持批发和优质的货主客户,中国大陆的消费品供应链持续增长,我们相信中国会拿出更多的供应链解决方案,来帮助我们的合作伙伴和客户赢得市场。”
MONTREAL and WINNIPEG, Manitoba, March 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CN (TSX: CNR) (NYSE: CNI) today announced it has closed the transaction announced on October 30, 2018, pursuant to which CN acquires Winnipeg-based The TransX Group of Companies, one of Canada’s largest and oldest transportation companies.
“We are pleased to have concluded this important transaction that allows us to deepen our supply chain focus and to continue to offer the best services to our customers, from the first mile to the last mile. This transaction will support the safe and efficient movement of our customers’ goods to their end markets in a fast-growing consumer economy,” said JJ Ruest, President and Chief Executive Officer of CN.
Mike Jones, Chief Operating Officer of The TransX Group of Companies said, “Through our talented team of people, we are looking forward to continue to improve our standard of excellence in our solution based, customer focused products, and integrated solutions.”
As previously announced on October 30, 2018, TransX will continue to be based in Winnipeg and will operate independently.
“CN and TransX have been supply chain partners for many years. With the acquisition of TransX, CN will continue to support the wholesale and beneficial cargo owner customers, including in the growing, service sensitive, refrigerated transportation business. CN will continue to expand capacity and foster additional supply chain solutions to help our partners and customers win in their marketplace,” said Keith Reardon, CN’s Senior Vice-President, Consumer Products Supply Chain Growth.
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